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Hi, I'm Jackie

"With reverence I surrender to the absolute, holy presence of She Who Has No Name within me." -Mary Magdalene

Chapter 1: Early life

I started out my life as a lot of us do: with the gentle, innocent, and open heart of a child.  I was extremely spiritually sensitive and solitary at times. I found peace being alone in nature and keeping to myself. I was a happy and playful kid. I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up, and I wanted twins (which I was later blessed with in life).


My heart was open with curiosity to the mysteries of life...but that open-heartedness didn’t last very long.


Significant trauma early on in my life led to many years of disconnection from myself, from others, and from God.

Chapter 2: Trauma = Doorway to Higher Realms

While in my teenage years, I went through a spiritual experience that became a catalyst for my spiritual journey. I lost a friend to a tragic car accident that immediately opened up the doorway to Spirit. 


This was the beginning of my spiritual path. 


I started learning how to connect with higher realms of consciousness, receive intuitive guidance for people, and embody my oracle. I began doing sessions with people at the age of 19. I knew that one day I would be speaking and teaching large groups of people later in my life.

Chapter 3: Settling down

In my late twenties, I found myself in a committed relationship and over the course of those four years, I gave birth to four beautiful boys (one set of twins)! Life became too comfortable and the Universe must have known it was time for a change.


All of a sudden, my relationship crumbled like the tower card in Tarot and I became a single Mom of four boys. 

I had to learn to rise on my own. I had to learn how to keep it together on the outside...even though I was completely shattered with pain on the inside. Playing the role as Mother and Father, I started to live solely in my masculinity as I felt unsafe to stay in my feminine anymore.  

Chapter 4: Mirror, Mirror

Shortly after I became comfortable with being a single Mom, I entered another relationship. This one was much more different. In the beginning of the relationship, it was beautiful but yet intense. I could see aspects of myself in this person. The good, the bad, and the ugly


This person came in to place a mirror on my own personal mantle, because I was able to see and feel every bit of trauma and insecurity buried deep within me. This is when I discovered: The Dark Night of the Soul, Karmic Relationships, Sacred Relationships and Shadow Work.

After a few years of intense up and downs with this partner, I was confronted (without notice) one of my biggest unhealed wounds: abandonment.


Being left in one of the most traumatic ways possible by someone who I deeply loved and cared for. I was absolutely broken and devastated. ​​

Chapter 5: I found myself

Even though the ending of that relationship was traumatic and left me completely and utterly broken, it also gave me everything I needed to set myself free. Free from attachment, and free from illusion.

You see, I realized that I was living from my mind (most of my life), instead of from my heart. I neglected listening to my inner compass. I was also not embodying my core essence of the feminine, because of the years I felt like I had to remain in my masculinity for stability. 

This was the experience that I needed to push me back to myself.


I decided to go as deep as possible into my shadow. I wanted to see and feel everything that was broken within me, in order to bring me back to feeling whole. I started learning about plant medicine and participated in many sacred medicine ceremonies. These plants were some of my best teachers because they showed me many different perspectives of my life that I wasn't able to see on my own. I then started learning about polarity between the masculine and the feminine, relationships, balance, and awareness (consciousness).

I discovered my voice again. I discovered my truth again. I discovered my power again. And since this chapter of my life, I am a completely transformed person.

Chapter 6: I found myself

Having the experience of going through difficult life experiences and trauma, closing your heart is something I'm familiar with.


But the tools and knowledge that I've gained from working with trauma, triggers and working with your shadow, has allowed me to live a more peaceful and content life that I'm excited to share with others. 

I've set out to design actionable, effective, simple, and powerful tools that could help others accelerate their spiritual awakenings, heal their trauma, open their hearts, and calm their controlling minds. 

If your heart resonates with my story and energy and you're ready to take the plunge and work with me, then I invite you to work with me in a 1:1 session, my retreats, or through my mentoring. I will give you the necessary tools to reconnect you to your heart, live with passion, remember your purpose and step into your power

Thank you so much for connecting with me. I look forward to helping you open your heart and live a deeply fulfilling life.

-Jackie xx

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